Title: Selling My Soul (A Paranormal Short Story)
Author: Rae Northlight
Publishing information: Amazon Media
"Ginny Petersen is in love with vampires. She writes about them, she lives and breathes them, she wants to be one. So, when the opportunity arises for her to become a blood-surrogate for vampires, she jumps right in, in the hopes that one of the vamps will want to change her. What she doesn’t expect is the power it will give the vampires over her."
This is the synopsis provided on Amazon Kindle Store and I feel like it is completely misleading.
This short story is only 7 pages long and has a lot of spacing so there isn't really any character development and also very little plot. Ginny is the protagonist and despite the way that the synopsis describes her as an avid writer obsessed by vampires, I didn't get anything about her really from the story itself. This story felt like one chapter of a very cliched vampire novel. I found the writing style very standard and easy to read so this was extremely quick to read and despite the interesting synopsis, I was thoroughly disappointed with this so gave it 1 out of 5 stars.
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